
Hi! I’m Eric, and I help scientists find meaning in data. For years now, I have been obsessed with systems biology and computer models of gene activity. My current agenda is to understand the reliability of such computer models, the limits of modern data and software, and the next steps we should take to push those limits. In 2020, I started a Ph.D. in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Johns Hopkins, working on false discovery rate control and perturbation prediction assessment. I am jointly advised between Alexis Battle (lab site) and Patrick Cahan (lab site). I got my start in bioinformatics working for Rene Maehr’s lab (intro post, lab site) at UMass Medical School.

This is my personal blog: a venue to write about interesting stuff, boost signals for good work, and make my modest contribution to the vitality of the blogosphere. Opinions are my own.

Contact me

One privilege of this type of work is talking with people who are interested the same highly specific topics. If you’d like to get in touch, you can email me: cire tod nrek 31 ta liamg tod moc. Reverse each word, including the 31, for my liame sserdda.