You can't construct confidence intervals near a region of non-identifiability

[ stat_ml  ]

This post will highlight Jean-Marie Dufour’s absolutely impenetrable tour de force “Some Impossibility Theorems in Econometrics With Applications to Structural and Dynamic Models”, also known by its English title, “Weak Instruments, Get Rekt.” Dufour talk about confidence intervals for a parameter $\phi$ in a situation where:

  • There is a nuisance parameter $\theta$.
  • For some $\theta$, $\phi$ cannot be identified.

Let’s talk about the simplest possible example of how things go horribly, provably wrong: we want a confidence interval for $\beta_1/\beta_2$ after fitting a regression $Y_i = \beta_1 X_{i1} + \beta_2 X_{i2} + \epsilon_i$, where $\epsilon_i$ is iid N(0,1).

Absent prior information, we’re going to center the interval on $\hat \beta_1 / \hat \beta_2$, where the hat indicates the least squares estimate of the corresponding parameter. Now, how wide should the interval be? Let’s start with a Wald interval, aka the delta method, aka propagation of errors. The delta method says that the variance of $g(\beta)$ is roughly $g’(\beta)Cov(\beta)g’(\beta)^T$. Here, $g’(\beta) = (1/\beta_2, -\beta_1/\beta_2^2)$ and $Cov(\beta)$ is $(X^TX)^{-1}$. We might start by hoping the delta method is a good approximation: the sampling distribution is approximately Gaussian with mean $\beta_1/\beta_2$ and variance $g’(\beta)Cov(\beta)g’(\beta)^T$. For 95% coverage, we could then set the interval radius to 1.96 times the square root of the delta-rule variance.

I consulted Dufour’s work about what actually happens when we do this and whether the coverage is close to 95%. It’s not. In the worst case scenario ($\beta_2$ close to 0), coverage can be arbitrarily close to 0%. You can test it with this snippet of R code, and if you leave the parameters as I’ve set them below, coverage is usually less than 400 of the 1000 runs.

n_sim = 1000
coverage = 0
phi = 10
b2 = 0.1
b1 = b2*phi
for(i in 1:n_sim){
    b1_est = rnorm(1, b1, 1)
    b2_est = rnorm(1, b2, 1)
    phi_est = b1_est/b2_est
    derivative = c(1/b2_est, -b1_est/b2_est^2)
    variance_delta_rule = sum(derivative^2)
    radius = 1.96*sqrt(variance_delta_rule)
    contained = (phi_est - radius < phi) && (phi < phi_est + radius)
    coverage = coverage + contained/n_sim


This is part of a series on disturbing impossibility theorems.

Written on June 20, 2022